Animated Mathematics
Animated Mathematics

Gradient Intercept Form of a Straight Line: y=mx+c

The most transparent and useful form a straight line is known as the gradient-intercept equation:


where m is the gradient (or slope of the line) and c is the intercept with the y-axis. The gradient m and c are constants,unlike x and y which are variables; how does this work? The m and c values are fixed to some values, for example m=2 and c=-3 defines the straight line


x and y are variables which in practice means we pick a value of x and then calculate the value of y ( y is a function of x since it's value depends on x). This process is shown below, where a random x value is selected and is put through a function to calculate the y-value, the coordinate (x,y) is then plotted on the graph. The process is repeated many times; and eventually if you wait long enough you will see that the points have merged to form a line

Example: Plot line given y=mx+c

You are given an equation and you need to plot the line on paper:

Press for another

Exercise: Draw lines with the same y-intercept c

You are required to plot the line. Move two points so that they are on the line, and then press "line" to draw a line through these points.The lines that are required to draw will all have the same c value but random m values. Repeat the exercise many times, what do you notice?

Move Point

Move Point

Press to clear screen and try again with another value

Exercise: Draw lines with the same m value

Mark two points on the graph then draw the required straight line; repeat the exercise many times. Enter integers between 10 and -10 and press LINE. Press NEXT for next line with same m. Press RESET to start again.

Move Point

Move Point

Press to clear screen and try again with another value


(i) Drawing a line given an equation is simple: you find two points on the line by picking x-values and calculating the y-values using the equation of the line. A straight line is then draw through two or more points. (ii) The c-value determines the intercept with y-axis, so changing c for fixed m translates the line in the vertical direction, i.e. up or down. (iii) The m value determines the gradient, so changing m for fixed c rotates the line around the y-intercept coordinate. You can investigate this with the sliders below:


Stockholm March 2015